Every Problem Has a Solution.

Determining Both is Our Specialty.

Our Organizations Have a Problem

For most of us, we spend a third of our adult lives at work—often operating under broken systems of the past, layered with piles of data, overburdened employees, and a humanity that is crying out for more. In recent years, this has meant a rising up of the workforce—from disillusionment to quiet quitting and other ways of "checking out," but it all means the same to the bottom line: Increasing costs due to employee disengagement—to the tune of $350 million for the U.S. workforce.

It doesn't have to be this way.

People are seeking purpose and connection in today’s world—both in and outside of work. And when we put the right people in the right roles, develop them, empower them, and connect them, we can see returns that we never imagined before.

This is the competitive advantage in today’s workplace. And at L.O.S.T., we know how to help you find it.

Survey the Landscape

If you're losing people, wasting time or missing resources, you need more than just a survey to tell you what's going on—you need an in-depth map of where your problems lie. But more than that, you need to know why they exist at all, so you can address them at the very root.

Our Engagement Analysis is the first step toward a true solution. Our L.O.S.T consultants will come alongside you, dig deep, and align with your team to determine what is happening in the shadows, and what is falling through the gaps.

Design a Path Forward

With the results of our Engagement Analysis, you'll have a grasp of the real workings within your organization, and be ready to design your path forward. Our consultants will engage with your team to co-create solutions that actually work from the inside-out...not just slap a one-size-fits-all, outside-in fix in place. Together, you'll identify leaders at all levels, identify value-based behaviors that align to the organizational values you have in place, build integrated teams created specifically for problem-solving, and enable a mindset shift designed for the workforce of the 21st Century.

Survey the Landscape

At L.O.S.T., our goal is to work ourselves out of a job. Because of that, it's important that we not only offer you the solutions that specifically address the issues you face, but that we teach you how to maintain the positive results you'll see for the long-term.

Alongside the Integrated Leadership teams in place, we'll empower leaders at all levels of your organization to build upon the foundation laid before them. Not only that, but we'll design a review process that not only holds all levels of leadership accountable, but also ensures that your organizational values are consistenly met—with real-world bottom-line results to match.


Interested in seeing what L.O.S.T. Consulting can do for you? Schedule a free discovery call! It's the best first step you can take toward re-humanizing your organization and determining what truly ails you.

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