Start with Purpose-Driven People.
Many companies who come to us connect with our name.
They feel LOST.
They feel lost because they’ve lost connection with their most important resource: their employees. And in that, they’ve also lost the future leaders of their organization, who have become disengaged and disillusioned with the workplace norms that focus on returns and the bottom line alone.
As a result, there are more open positions and retreating staff than ever before—with a lack of growth opportunities as the main reason. The second? Bad leadership.
The reality is that high maintenance control management doesn’t work in the 21st century. Interestingly enough, in this high-tech world where data rules all, a focus on humanity and the personal relationship between employer and employee can help us find a different level of success; one where a rising tide actually does lift all ships.
The purpose of L.O.S.T. Consulting is to help organizations find what has been missing and to bring humanity back to work through community and connection. L.O.S.T is designed to re-humanize your workplace, develop leaders at all levels, and unlock the potential of your most untapped resource and greatest asset: your people.
There are a million consultants out there that will offer a solution for whatever challenges you face in your organization—but are they actually fixing the problem, or just offering you a Band-aid?
Your problems aren't one-size-fits-all, and neither are their solutions. Here's how L.O.S.T. can help you truly address the issues you face.
Whether it's a sour employee engagement survey or a revolving door of onboarding and offloading employees, you know something's wrong. That WHAT is information that will help us identify the main problem.
Creating "solutions" for your problem may seem like a great idea, but if you haven't figured out why you have hte problem in the first place, it's like putting a bandage on a broken arm. We help you find the WHY at the heart of it all.
Once we know why you're encountering the challenges you are, we can develop a plan to solve it—the HOW. At L.O.S.T., we don't throw a one-size-fits-all fix at you; we work with you and your teams to determine the best solution that will not only address the issue at hand, but will keep it from coming back.
With more than 15 years of Leadership and Talent Development experience across multiple roles, Scott Hicks knows intimately the challenges that corporate leaders face on a daily basis. Her experience throughout the corporate world taught her that while culture is a key driver to unlocking potential, toxic cultures—which are mainly focused on processes that overshadow people—drive employee disengagement and result in hidden costs to the company.
Over decades, this type of misstep has resulted in companies that have lost their way (and their why), creating the need for a new type of leadership approach.
For this reason, Scott established L.O.S.T. Consulting (Leading Organizational Success Together) to assist organizations in developing leaders at all levels and unlocking potential in people. Through L.O.S.T., Scott is able to do what she does best—create people-focused environments that generate purpose, engagement, and authenticity, and help companies obtain a competitive advantage by empowering people—not processes.
B.S., Health Science – Clemson University
Certification – Situational Leadership
Certification – Inside Out/GROW Coaching
Certification – DISC
Ceritifcation – Emotional Intelligence
Certification – What Motivates Me
Vistage Worldwide Speaker